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natural ways to lower a fever

  • Babies & Kids, Beauty, Clean Living

    7 Natural Ways To Lower A Fever

    Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and the information on this website is for informational purposes only. The opinions expressed are based solely on my opinion and personal experiences. As always, check with your healthcare provider before starting any medical treatment. This blog has not been evaluated by the FDA. Any products or methods mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or ailment. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I am an Amazon Affiliate and earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Full Disclosure and Disclaimer here.

    A fever presents itself in the body when there is an abnormal reaction going on within. Overheating, immunizations, or a viral or bacterial infection may be the culprit of your temperature increase.

    Diagnosing A Fever

    With so many thermometers on the market, which one is best? Which gives the most accurate reading? Consider a few factors when checking the temperature of your little one (or yourself).

    • In children under 3, a rectal thermometer gives the most accurate temperature reading. Here is my pick for rectal thermometers and here is another good option.
    • In adults and children over 3, the most accurate reading is in the mouth or under the armpit. We’ve used many, many digital thermometers and they just aren’t as accurate as the traditional ones. Bonus: We use this thermometer at home which was more affordable and more accurate than our old $50 thermometer.
    • Avoid mercury thermometers which are toxic to our health and the environment.

    How to Naturally Lower a Fever

    1. Wet Sock Remedy.

    This is one remedy I was shocked to learn about, yet so many people claim it wonders! There’s no harm in trying, right!?

    First, soak your feet in warm water for up to 10 minutes. Then, wet a pair of thin cotton socks with cool water and ring out the excess water. Place the wet socks on your feet. Next, put wool socks over the wet socks. Go to bed and remove the socks in the morning.

    2. Epsom Salt Bath.

    Add a cup or two of pure Epsom Salt to a warm bath. Soak for 15 – 20 minutes. Be sure to increase fluid intake as well.

    3. Cool Wash Cloth.

    Apply a cool, not cold, washcloth to your forehead, neck, and the bottom of your feet. You may also take a cool (again, not cold) bath. When water is too cold, it has the opposite effect and raises your temperature rather than lowering it.

    4. Increase electrolyte and fluid intake.

    Good old H2O is a great way to hydrate your body! But, if plain water isn’t cutting it, there are other ways to increase your intake.

    1. Organic coconut water hydrates and provides your body with essential electrolytes – just make sure you purchase one without added sugars and artificial colors like this one.
    2. Add electrolytes to your water with one of the following clean brands: Seeking Health Electrolyte (my top choice), Pediavance (most similar to Pedialyte without the artificial ingredients), Ultima Replenisher, and Nuun are all good choices.
    3. Smoothies, homemade popsicles, and fruits full of water are other good ways to stay hydrated.

    5. Support your immune system with vitamins and minerals.

    Vitamin D/K2, vitamin C, and zinc are known for giving that much needed to boost to your immune system. As for these supplements, I have a specific brand favorite for each linked. I’ve found them to be most effective.

    6. Apply peppermint oil.

    Organic peppermint oil applied to the bottom of your feet, along your spine, and on the back of your neck can work wonders for a fever.

    But, err on the side of caution when…

    While there are natural ways to lower a fever, it is always best to err on the side of caution and contact your doctor when necessary. According to Healthline, you should seek medical advice in the following situations:

    • Ages 0 to 3 months | Rectal temperature is 100.4°F or higher.
    • Ages 3 to 6 months | Rectal temperature is above 102°F and is irritable or sleepy.
    • Ages 6 to 24 months | Rectal temperature is above 102°F (39°C) that lasts for more than a day. Consider calling sooner if they have other symptoms.
    • Children Ages 2 + | Temperature repeatedly rises above 104°F. Also, seek medical advice if your child has a fever longer than 3 days, can’t keep fluids down, exhibits poor eye contact, or doesn’t respond to medicine.
    • Adults | Temperature 103°F or higher that isn’t responding to medication or lasts longer than three days. 

    Stay well!

